Teacher's QuestionnairePlease provide feedback to help develop our program. Thank you for your participation! Name First Name Last Name Email Address * Date MM DD YYYY School/Organization City State I would repeat this program for my classes next year if it is available. Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree I would use the activities provided in this program to support additional field trips in my locale such as beach walks, stream walks, aquarium visits or as stand- alone lessons in the classroom. Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree This program was successful in fulfilling student’s grade level expectations for science. Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree This program will encourage students and their families to engage in behaviors that avoid polluting local water bodies. Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree This program will encourage students to continue the study of local water-bodies, shellfish and local marine resources. Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree My students watched the pre-activity videos * Yes No My students used the resources provided on the GSSC website. * Yes No My students used the games kit. * Yes No My students did an art project with their shells Yes No I incorporated discussions about topic in my teaching Yes No Would adopting GSSC by your school district provide the impetus for you to teach GSSC lessons as part of your regular curriculum? Yes No I would support an effort to incorporate GSSC content in district adopted curricula that meets Next Generation Science Standards and Sustainability Standards. Yes No I would be willing to participate in an effort to have GSSC adopted by my district. Yes No What was the strongest feature of the program? What improvements could strengthen this program? Comments Please list the materials or activities you used from our website. Thank you for choosing to work with Garden of the Salish Sea. Your feedback helps us make improvements to our program to meet the needs of students and teachers.