

GSSC is a K-12 environmental science program that uses shellfish as a vehicle to teach marine science with hands-on learning through field experience.

We empower stewardship to support a thriving Salish Sea and healthy oceans globally that can feed us. Our education and outreach are inspired by the wonders of shellfish, science & community!

Help Support Us!

Your contribution will enable students to guide their families and communities in adopting practices that promote watershed health and climate-friendly behaviors. GSSC is dedicated to empowering students to take the lead by cultivating curiosity, knowledge, and scientific understanding into meaningful action!



For more information about volunteer opportunities, including internships, please email us at

Want to learn more?

Check our our curriculum materials.

Sign up below for our quarterly newsletter.

Oystertopia: Stewards of the Salish Sea

Huge THANKS to Drayton Harbor Oyster Company for supplying oysters and shells to our school programs! Check them out or pay them a visit!

Pacific Shellfish Institute, GSSC's parent organization and fiscal sponsor, conducts research and community education on shellfish in southern Puget Sound.

Join us for Beach Clean-Ups All Year-Round!

You can make a difference! Partner with us at Garden of the Salish Sea Curriculum: help us clean up our beaches, communities & places we love. We’ve partnered with NOAA’s Marine Debris Tracker to help make our Salish Sea beaches and watersheds cleaner and to keep track of how much we clean up! Click this link to download the Marine Debris Tracker and get started!

Note: learn of upcoming events on our Get Involved page and our Coastal Communities Updates page.

GSSC hosted a successful beach cleanup on July 5th at Locust Beach, just outside of Bellingham, WA. Over 5 full bags of debris were collected from the waterfront, helping to improve the health of our local beaches after the 4th of July holiday. Thanks, volunteers!

Heading Out to the Beach?

Explore these resources to check the tides.

Check out our HABs gallery page for more plankton images